Короткометражный сюрный вынос мозга, дело было примерно так: на шестой день рождения Роберта ждут подарки — и три пожилые дамы в гостиной его матери. Он будет помнить этот вечер, когда подарок убегает по полу, странные видения возникают между холмистыми коленями, и птицеобразные дамы рассказывают историю об императоре без кожи.
On his sixth birthday Robert receives three beautiful old birds in his mother’s sitting room. A memory of an afternoon visualized through his eyes, with free spirited imagination - soaring and naive yet wonderfully dark. A gift scuttles across the floor... blue icing is nibbled, tea is sipped, lacey slips shifted, and between knobbly knees strange visions appear. The ladies weave an extraordinary tale of an emperor with no skin which grows like a vine and while the boy himself, older and wiser for his age, adds his own ending...
Through the eyes of young boy, we see the afternoon on his sixth birthday when he is visited by three old ladies bearing gifts and telling the story of an emperor with no skin. Imagination runs wild in this surreal and fantastical short film with beautifully dark cinematography and playfully grotesque images.
Turning was produced in 2009 as part of the BBC Film Network’s BBC Drama Shorts.
Directors: Karni Arieli, Saul Freed.
Cast: Patrick Gibbs, Natasha Alderslade, Maureen Wild, Audrey Holt, Carol Kirkland, Agnes Davidson, Emily Duggan, Inma Azorin, Lily Mai Holloway.
UK, 2010.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD
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On his sixth birthday Robert receives three beautiful old birds in his mother’s sitting room. A memory of an afternoon visualized through his eyes, with free spirited imagination - soaring and naive yet wonderfully dark. A gift scuttles across the floor... blue icing is nibbled, tea is sipped, lacey slips shifted, and between knobbly knees strange visions appear. The ladies weave an extraordinary tale of an emperor with no skin which grows like a vine and while the boy himself, older and wiser for his age, adds his own ending...
Through the eyes of young boy, we see the afternoon on his sixth birthday when he is visited by three old ladies bearing gifts and telling the story of an emperor with no skin. Imagination runs wild in this surreal and fantastical short film with beautifully dark cinematography and playfully grotesque images.
Turning was produced in 2009 as part of the BBC Film Network’s BBC Drama Shorts.
Directors: Karni Arieli, Saul Freed.
Cast: Patrick Gibbs, Natasha Alderslade, Maureen Wild, Audrey Holt, Carol Kirkland, Agnes Davidson, Emily Duggan, Inma Azorin, Lily Mai Holloway.
UK, 2010.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD
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