Документальный фильм о путешествии 12-ти французских подростков на большом парусном судне по маршруту Колумба из Испании к берегам полуострова Юкатан. По маршруту было несколько остановок: острова Карибского моря, Канары, джунгли Венесуэлы и Гватемалы, дайвинг в Карибском море. На судне использовалось навигационное оборудование и снасти 19-го века. На протяжении всего путешествия ребята пишут сообщения для прессы, ТВ и своего ежемесячного журнала...
This documentary is about 12 French teenagers who sail a large sailing ship (with the help of two or three adults), following the same course Columbus followed from Spain to the Yucatan Peninsula, with stops at various Caribbean islands.
It's an excellent film with decent production values for the time. The boys clearly know how to sail and demonstrate a lot of courage and skill. There is one great scene in which a woman sings on the beach, and her dog tries to sing along with her.
This film would be excellent for families, teenagers interested in sailing, and others interested in Columbus, the Caribbean, the Canary Islands, Spain and Mexico. It is also a good film if you want to brush up on your colloquial French, although it has English subtitles for those who do not speak French.
Режиссер: Бернард Погги / Bernard Poggi.
Франция, 1990.
Язык: французский.
Перевод: одноголосый.
Субтитры: английские.
Download Огни Запада / Phares d'ouest / Western Lights.
This documentary is about 12 French teenagers who sail a large sailing ship (with the help of two or three adults), following the same course Columbus followed from Spain to the Yucatan Peninsula, with stops at various Caribbean islands.
It's an excellent film with decent production values for the time. The boys clearly know how to sail and demonstrate a lot of courage and skill. There is one great scene in which a woman sings on the beach, and her dog tries to sing along with her.
This film would be excellent for families, teenagers interested in sailing, and others interested in Columbus, the Caribbean, the Canary Islands, Spain and Mexico. It is also a good film if you want to brush up on your colloquial French, although it has English subtitles for those who do not speak French.
Режиссер: Бернард Погги / Bernard Poggi.
Франция, 1990.
Язык: французский.
Перевод: одноголосый.
Субтитры: английские.
Download Огни Запада / Phares d'ouest / Western Lights.
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Огни Запада / Phares d'ouest / Western Lights. 1990. |
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